
Friday, August 2, 2013

Noodle Assortment..Recipes for long life!

the humble noodle!

     Long, yellow, chewy, and stringy, delicate, stuffed or hollow, the humble noodle which is mainly made of egg and flour is a primary food source of billions of people around the world. It is one of the best foods ever created. Thanks to our resourceful Chinese counterparts. Noodles of today, like pasta, comes in different color, texture and flavor. Aside from its comforting taste adaptable to any weather it is also one of the most versatile and quickest to make. The steaming hot pot of noodles or the yummy aroma of herbs in stir fried noodle dishes is something to look forward to after a long day's work.
     The following are home-grown noodle recipes which we tried and tasted in our own kitchen for years. In fact, we are selling it! You can either add or reduce ingredients depending on the availability of seasonal vegetables in your area. Enjoy cooking and eating!



2 bowls fresh egg noodles
100g chicken fillet
4 squid balls, cut into 4 (optional)
1 tsp. seasoning
2 tsp.oyster sauce
1 cup chicken stock
1 cup cabbage strips
1 cup carrot strips
1 bell pepper
1/2 cup chickpeas(optional)
1 tbsp oil of your choice

how to:

Pre- heat oil in a pan. Add chicken and fry for 3 minutes. Add squid balls, seasoning and chicken stock. Let boil then add the noodles. (Note: Before adding fresh noodles, be sure to wash it and strain. It tends to be salty sometimes when not washed). Mixed continuously to incorporate flavor and before it dried out add the vegetables. Remove from heat. Serve hot topped with spring onions and sliced calamansi.
Makes for 4-5 persons.




200g dried noodles
100g chicken meat, cut into strips
4 squid balls,cut into 4
1 tsp seasoning
1 tsp oyster sauce
1 cup chicken stock
1 cup mixed vegetables(cabbage, carrot, bell pepper,dried mushroom)
1 tsp. cassava starch, dissolve in 1 tbsp. water
1 tsp.oil
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped

how to:

Heat oil over medium fire and deep fry dried noodles until brown. Remove from oil immediately and put into strainer. Let cool and put in a platter. Set aside.
Pre-heat pan and add 1 tsp.oil, add garlic and onion then the chicken and squid balls. Fry 3 minutes, then add seasoning and oyster sauce and 1 cup chicken stock. Stir and let boil before adding mixed vegetables. Mix well with other ingredients in the pan and add cassava starch. Stir until become slightly sticky. Remove from heat and pour over fried noodles then topped with spring onions.
Good for 4-5 persons.




200g thin rice (transparent) noodles
100g chicken strips
4 squid balls,cut into 4
1/2 chicken cube
1 tsp.seasoning
11/2 tsp soy sauce
2 cups chicken stock
dash of sugar
150g mixed vegetables(cabbage, carrots, bell pepper)
1 tbsp.oil

how to:

Pre- heat oil in a pan and chicken strips. Fry for 3 minutes then add squid ball strips and chicken cube. Stir before adding seasoning, soy sauce and 2 cups chicken stock. Let boil and add rice noodles. Stir and mix continuously until noodles is soft. Add a dash of sugar then the mixed vegetables before mixture completely dried out. Remove from heat and serve hot topped with spring onions with slices of
calamansi on the sides.
Serves 4-5 persons.




200g canton(yellow dried egg noodle)
1/2 klo clams
1/2 kilo shrimps, shelled
1/2 kilo scallops
1/2 kilo freshly cut squid
1 sauce
1 shrimp broth cube
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 medium onion, chopped
2 tbsp. sesame oil
2 cups boiling water
1 cup young corn,pre-boiled
1pc. small carrot, cut into strips
1 bell pepper, cut into strips
1 pc.leeks, chopped
herbs of your choice for garnish
2 boiled eggs

how to:

Wash  clams thoroughly, do not remove shell, set aside. Do the same with scallops,shrimps and squid.
Pre- heat oil in pan, add garlic and onion. Stir until onion is transparent. Add scallops, soy sauce and shrimp cube. Adjust fire to low. Stir for a minute before adding shrimp, clams and squid. Stir ingredients well then add 2 cups boiling water and dried noodles. Continue stirring until noodles are soft. Add carrots, young corn, leeks and pepper
while mixture is very moist. Stir for another minute, then remove from heat. Garnish with herbs of  your choice and sliced boiled egg on top.
Best filling for loaves paired with a cup of black steaming hot coffee or chocolate!




1 bowl fresh egg noodles
100g chicken leftovers
1/2 chicken cube
boiled quail eggs, optional
1 tbsp. seasoning
6 cups chicken stock
150g mixed vegetables, cut into strips(carrot, broccoli)
2 spoonful cassava starch dissolved in 1/2 cup water
2 fresh eggs, beaten
1 tsp. oil

 how to:

Pre-heat oil in a pan. Then add chicken leftovers, chicken cube, seasoning and stir before adding chicken stock. Boil for 5 minutes then add fresh noodles. Boil for a minute more and add the vegetables. Stir, then add cassava starch and quail eggs. Mix well until sticky in consistency. Turn off heat before adding fresh beaten eggs. Mix thoroughly. Serve hot with herbs of your choice(here we only use spring onions with fried chopped garlic). Superb with garlic bread or garlic sticks.




200g thin rice (transparent) noodles
100g chicken leftovers
1/2 chicken cube
1 tsp. seasoning
1 tsp. soy sauce
6 cups chicken stock
2 fresh chili peppers
150g mixed sliced vegetables(carrots, cabbages or broccoli)
1 tsp.oil

how to:

Pre- heat oil in a pan. Add chicken leftovers, chicken cube, soy sauce and the seasoning. Stir then mix and add the chicken stock. Boil for 5 minutes and add dried noodles then cooked until soft and nicely done. Add vegetables, mix thoroughly. Add chili peppers before removing from heat.
Serve and consume while still hot. Topped with herbs of your choice.

Note: This type of noodles absorb water faster so prepare to add water if needed.



  1. Replies
    1. Do you also love noodles, my friend? You can try this anytime you want.
      My kids love it so much. sometime i'll give you our recipe for batchoy!
