
Saturday, June 8, 2013

cuisines you've never tasted

     When i got married 15 years ago and decided to live away from home to be with my husband, i adjusted to almost everything at the new place including food and water. Even though the distance between our hometowns is only a few hours ride in the bus, everything was totally different.
     On the first day, my in- laws welcomed me with a chicken dish they called 'linabugan' and steamed egg with dried anchovies in salted tomatoes and onions.The truth dawned on me that anyplace in this world have a secret to tell waiting to be discovered, waiting to be sampled. I'm only thankful that i have no problem with a certain food. In fact, i eat almost anything as long as they can be eaten and will not poison me. That was sort of another turning point for me, for my gastronomically inclined palate. The new meal was superb and really mouth watering. In the week that follows was a feast to cherish and remember. Here are some of those outrageous but glorious food recipes.


linutik   mashed leaves of a thorny sour plant called 'labog'
                   (an appetizer)

raw main ingredient-rich in vitamin C

 1 kilo labog leaves
5 cloves garlic, chopped
1 small ginger, crushed
1 big onion, chopped
2 tbsp. shrimp paste
1 cup shrimp stock
 1/4 kilo dried anchovies
1 bowl fresh bitter gourd leaves(optional)
salt to taste

how to:

In a pan,mix all ingredients except dried anchovies and the bitter gourd leaves. Do not add shrimp stock yet, the leaves will naturally produce water when near boiling point. While boiling you have to continually stir or mash all ingredients in the pan. Add salt gradually.Lower heat then add anchovies and the bitter leaves before mixture dried out. Do not overcooked the last ingredients or the dish will be too bitter to eat.

Serve hot with rice and fried fish.


Pickled Bamboo Shoots

atsara nga tambo
1 bowl pre- boiled young bamboo strips
4 chili peppers, seeded and sliced 
4 purple eggplants, sliced 
1 big ginger, sliced into strips
1 big onion, sliced into strips
1 head garlic, sliced into strips
1 cup string beans

1 can crushed pineapple
1/2 cup natural vinegar
1/3 cup white sugar
1 tbsp.salt

how to:

Mix sugar,pineapple and salt in a small pan. Bring to a boil.
Add ginger, onion, garlic, string beans, eggplants and bitter gourd. Mix thoroughly then add the vinegar. When vegetables are nicely done, add young bamboo strips and the chili peppers.Mix veggies and turn off heat. Let cool before sealing into sterilized bottles.
This appetizer will last for weeks without refrigeration.

Note: Do not forget to boil shoots for 20 mins. when not using canned product because it will leave a really bitter aftertaste.


Pickled Papaya w/ vegetables
atsara nga kapayas

6 cups grated young papaya
1 cup string beans
1 small bitter gourd, sliced thinly
2 chili, sliced into strips
2 small eggplants, sliced into strips
1 large red onion, sliced
4 cloves garlic, sliced
1 small ginger, sliced into strips
1 cup natural vinegar
2 tbsp. rock salt
6 tbsp. white refined sugar

how to:

Sprinkle 2 tbsp. rock salt to grated papaya. Mix well and squeeze with bare hands extracting all juices as possible. Discard juice. Put in a bowl. Set aside. In a pan pour vinegar, sugar, beans, eggplants, chili, onions and garlic. Let boil in medium fire for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Pour directly into papaya. Mix all ingredients well. Let cool and store in a sterilized bottle. Will last for a month when refrigerated. Pickled papaya is a great appetizer common to gatherings among Filipinos.


cassava shoots in cococream

cassava shoots- excellent source of protein
1 bowl finely chopped cassava shoots
1 bunch dasheen shoots
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 small ginger, chopped
1 tbsp. shrimp paste
4 cups coconut milk
salt to taste

how to:

Wash and sprinkle cassava shoots w/ some salt and mix with hands. Do not squeeze.In a pan, mix cassava shoots with dasheen shoots, garlic, onion, ginger, shrimp paste and the coconut milk.
Cover pan and let boil for ten minutes until dish becomes slightly oily. Add salt depending to taste.Serve hot on top of fried rice.


wild mushroom omelette

1 kilo wild mushrooms, washed thoroughly
2 eggs, beaten
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
3 large tomatoes,chopped
1 chili pepper, chopped
salt to taste
oil for frying

how to:
locally known as karupdop

Pre- heat oil in pan. Fry garlic until brown then add onions and tomatoes. Mashed tomatoes with ladle. Add mushrooms and stir occasionally. Turn heat on high until mixture is almost dry.

Add salt to eggs, beat and pour over stir-fried mushroom. Let the egg settle before turning heat off. Sprinkle chili on top and serve hot.


langkawas (red ginger) w/ tomatoes

1 kilo langkawas, peeled and chopped finely
1/2 kilo tomatoes, blanched and seeded
1 tbsp. shrimp paste
1 stalk spring onion, chopped
1 medium onion, blanched

how to:

Just mix all the ingredients together, mashed and voila!

Try this great appetizer. Best bottled and refrigerated.

Note: Red ginger have a great medicinal value.It eases sore throat when eaten raw.


rolled singkamas(sweet Phil. turnip)w/ peanut butter

2 packet fresh lumpia wrapper
1 kilo singkamas, peeled and sliced into sticks
1 bottle peanut butter
15 pcs, cabbage leaf
1 shrimp broth cube
how to:

  Dip cabbage leaves in boiling water w/ shrimp broth cube for 1 minute. Discard water. Put one cabbage leaf in a wrapper, arrange sticks of singkamas and a teaspoon of peanut butter. Roll wrapper and seal with water. Repeat procedure until done. Chill before serving.

Note: Carrot sticks can be added if it is readily available in your area.


palawan stalks (a type of dasheen)w/ egg

5 pcs. big stalks
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp.salt 
1 tsp. black pepper
spring onion, chopped
1 cube chicken broth
oil for frying
1 tbsp. flour( optional)

how to:

Blanch dasheen stalks in 4 cups boiling water with chicken broth cube. Dip without stirring for 5 minutes or until stalks are soft to touch. (Note: do not stir vegetable when undercooked or it tends to get itchy). Mash and set aside. Sprinkle beaten eggs with salt and pepper and add spring onions. Heat oil in pan. Mix  vegetable into beaten eggs. Scoop mixture into spoonfuls and flatten in hot oil until brown.Flip to brown the other side.Serve hot with sweet-chili sauce.


kangkong adobo(water spinach w/vinegar)

adobo nga tangkong
1 bunch fresh water spinach
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tbsp.shrimp paste(bagoong alamang)
2 tbsp. soy sauce
2 tbsp. white vinegar
1 tsp. iodized salt (optional)
2 fresh chili pepper (long variety)
2 tbsp.oil for frying

how to:

Wash and cut water spinach 2 inches long. Discard only the hard stalks but not the leaves. Set aside. Pre-heat oil in pan. Brown garlic in oil before adding onions,shrimp paste and chili pepper. Stir for 5 minutes over low heat. Add water spinach and the soy sauce. Cooked until tender before adding vinegar. Cooked another 3 minutes more. Remove from heat. Serve hot topped with fried garlic (if available).


freshwater snails in cococream

guinat-an nga igi

1 kilo freshwater snails
1 pc.large ginger, crushed
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tbsp. shrimp paste
1 tsp. iodized salt
1 cup cococream
1 stalk lemon grass
2 fresh chili, long variety

how to:

Cut the bottom edge of snails and wash very well with water, then strain. In a deep pan, put together altogether snails, ginger, onion, garlic, shrimp paste, iodized salt and the lemon grass. Do not cover pan and cooked over medium heat for 5 minutes while stirring occasionally. When after 5 mins.and the snails produce it's natural juices and still boiling, add the coco cream and the chili. Stir for another 5 mins. until it curdles. Immediately remove from heat. Serve hot topped with chopped spring onions.


squid adobo
adobo nga lokos

1 kilo squid, any variety
5 tbsp.white vinegar
2 tbsp. fish sauce
1 tbsp.iodized salt
1 tsp. white refined sugar
1 large ginger, crushed
1 large onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, crushed
2 fresh chili peppers
1 tbsp.peppercorn or dried laurel leaf

how to:

Wash squids thoroughly. Be sure to pullout the teeth and the white shell in the back. Pull the head first taking extra care not to cut the ink sac( do not discard this) because it will be messy.Cut the squid into three parts and wash again. In a pan, put altogether the squid (ink included) vinegar,fish sauce, salt, ginger, onion, garlic, sugar, pepper corn or dried laurel leaf. Mix well and cooked over medium heat for 20 minutes. Add fresh chili. Remove from heat. Serve hot.


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