
Friday, June 7, 2013

Coconut Cream..the many delicious possibilities!

mashed squash w/coco cream


squash-excellent sourse of vit. A
1 medium round squash,peeled and chopped to pieces
1/4 kilo dried fish flakes
2 tbsp shrimp paste
1 cup coconut cream(first extraction)
3 cups coconut cream(second extraction)
1 small onion,chopped
3 cloves garlic,chopped
a bunch of spinach or horseradish leaves
salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp oil for frying

how to:

local Philippine spinach
Fry garlic,onion and shrimp paste in oil.
Add fish flakes. Stir.
Add coconut cream second extraction and the squash.
Simmer the vegetable for 10 minutes,  then mashed until smooth in consistency.
Add the first cream, spinach and salt and pepper according to taste.
Serve hot with rice.

Note: In this recipe, you can use canned coconut cream if ripe coconut is not readily available.


dasheen with coconut cream


2 bunches dasheen vegetables, sundried
1/2 kilo dasheen root
1/2 kilo edible snails
2 tbsp bagoong alamang(sauteed salted fish)
1 cup coconut cream(first extraction)
4 cups coconut cream(second extraction)
1 pc. ginger,crushed
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 large onion, chopped
2 chilies,chopped
salt to taste.

how to:

 Peel skin of dasheen root with a knife then slice into desired pieces. Wash and set aside.
Then chopped stalks and dried leaves after washing.
In a large wok, arrange the vegetables putting first in the bottom ginger,onions and chopped garlic.
Then the salted fish, second extraction coco cream , the chili and then a tablespoon of salt. (you can adjust the taste later)
Cover and  boil for 15 minutes. DO NOT STIR until vegetables are tender.(it will give stubborn itch on your tongue when vegetables are not done yet.)
edible freshwater snails- source of iodine
When the vegetables boil nicely and are very tendeR( you will mistaken it as overcooked but that is how it is done). At this point you can now stir the vegetables and add the first extraction of coco cream and the snails.
Add more salt according to taste and boil for 3 more minutes. Do not overcooked the snails.
Serve hot with rice.

Note: This dish is nicely done when it had turned quite oily.


banana flower with coconut cream (Sour Salad)


1 large head banana flower bud
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 big onion, sliced
1 big ginger,sliced into thin strips
4 chili peppers, sliced
l cup eggplant, sliced
1/3 cup white vinegar
2 tbsp salt
 1 tbsp white sugar

how to:

Peel outer covering of banana flower and discard. Chopped according to desired pieces.
Pre-boil flower in 2 cups water until tender. Set aside.
In a pan, mix together salt, sugar,onion, garlic,  ginger and vinegar. Bring to a boil.
Add the eggplants, simmer and stir for 5 minutes.
Adjust salt and sugar according to taste.
Add the sliced chili peppers. 
 Serve hot or chilled.

Best paired with fried fish and rice.


bamboo shoots w/ coconut cream


saluyot leaves-energy vegetables
1 bowl thinly sliced  
bamboo shoots
1/2 cup grated young corn
1 bowl chopped saluyot leaves
1/2 bowl okra,sliced
1 cup first extraction coco cream
4 cups second extraction coco cream
1 cup fresh shrimps
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 onion, chopped
thinly sliced bamboo shoots
  salt and MSG to taste
 2 pcs. chili pepper(optional)

how to:

Pre boil bamboo shoots until tender, discard water.
In a wok, mix together bamboo shoots, corn, garlic, onion, shrimps and the second extraction of coco
Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes until shrimps turned red.
Add a tablespoon salt.
okra- fat buster
Continue simmering until corn is tender.
Then add first extraction of coco cream.Simmer.
Add saluyot leaves and okra and MSG to taste. Simmer for another 5 minutes.
Serve hot or chilled.

Note: Bamboo shoots are now readily available in can.


young jackfruit w/ coconut cream

Otherwise known as  ensalada when cooked with more vinegar and more coconut milk with added strips of ginger, the recipe below was one of my childhood favorite usually cooked by grandmother each time we crave for Pork Adobo. But instead of pork,she uses young jack fruit slices as a healthy alternative to meat. Try this easy and simple Filipino dish.



1 kilo young jackfruit, peeled and cut in squares
1 cup coconut cream (first extraction)
2 cups coconut cream (second extraction)
1 tbsp. shrimp paste
1 tbsp. chopped garlic
1 tbsp. chopped onion
2 tbsp. atsuete extraction
2 whole chili pepper
1 tbsp. ginger powder(optional)
2 tbsp. oil
2 tbsp.vinegar  (optional)
salt,pepper and MSG to taste

how to:

jack fruit
Pre-boil jack fruit in 2 cups water until tender. Discard water and set aside.
Fry garlic in hot oil until brown.
Add onion and shrimp paste then mix thoroughly.
Add pre-boiled jack fruit and coconut cream(2nd extraction)
Boil for 3 minutes before adding atsuete.
Boil for another 3 minutes then add vinegar and ginger powder.
Simmer. Add salt and MSG to taste.
Before sauce dried out, add 1 cup thick coconut cream and simmer for a minute.
Add the chili.
Serve hot or chilled.

Best paired with fried chicken or fried fish with rice.

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