
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Simply, eggs...


Egg diary;
     Today is just as great as yesterday, kids and adults loved me so much they cooked me anyway they wanted without limit. When on hectic days and they rush me out of the fridge and no time to beat me, they cooked me simply as me, whole, untouched, perfectly boiled. They love even the smell of me that i made their mouths water and crave for more. Yes, I know i'm just a simple egg but everyone who loved me( except of course the one's allergic to me) always made sure that they have unlimited supply of me in their kitchen. Cakes are not cakes without me. I'm also very useful i help people with their budget. You see i'm the cheapest they could get but very nutritious and delicious. Everything in me was so good, my whites is rich in protein and my yummy yolk is so jam- packed with vitamins and essential fatty acids. So, better believe the saying ' an egg a day keep the docs away'.

     I'm really something you could whip up in a whim with no leftovers(except the shells on your plate). You can either bake me or cook me simply as you like. Happy eating! 


egg omelette w/ horseradish leaves

horseradish leaves-vitamin rich Filipino veggie

2 eggs, beaten 
1 cup fresh horseradish(moringa leaves)
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon oil for frying

how to:

Mix the green vegetables to the beaten eggs and beat slowly but thoroughly with a fork then season with salt and pepper according to your taste.
Heat oil in a pan. Add the garlic and the onions.
When the onions are slightly transparent, pour the mixture evenly in the pan. Do not mix.
Let the egg settle nicely before turning to brown the other side. Remove from heat and serve hot.

In the absence of horseradish you can use spinach or other green leafy vegetables available in your area.


eggs with cabbages

2 eggs, beaten 
1 cup chopped cabbage
1 red bell pepper, seeded and cut into cubes
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying

how to:

Heat oil in a pan.
Add garlic and onions, mix until onion is transparent
Add the chopped cabbage and the red bell pepper.
Mix thoroughly until vegetables are nicely done.
Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste.
Add the beaten eggs. Mix quickly with vegetables on medium heat until done.
Remove from fire. Serve hot with toasts and hot milk.


egg omelette w/sun-dried anchovies

2 eggs, beaten
1 cup dried anchovies
3 med. tomatoes, chopped 
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 medium onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying

how to:

Heat oil in a pan. Add the garlic first, then the onions and lastly tomatoes. Mashed tomatoes in hot oil.
Add the dried anchovies, mix thoroughly on medium heat until done.
Add the beaten eggs, mix until egg's nicely done. Remove from heat.
Best paired with fried rice and a cup of coffee.


tasty egg salad w/ tomatoes

2 boiled eggs, shelled and cut depending on your choice
4 large red tomatoes
1 big onion, sliced
2 tbsp.lemon or calamansi juice 
salt to taste
dash of ground black pepper

how to:

Just mix all the ingredients together and.. voila you have a tasty egg salad. Perfect for breakfast with  fried rice and a banana.


eggs with sardines

2 eggs, beaten 
2 cloves garlic,chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 can fish sardines
2 stalks spring onion, chopped
salt to taste
1 tbsp oil for frying

how to:

Heat oil in a pan before adding garlic and onion.
Pour sardines in a bowl and mashed with fork. Pour over garlic and onion. Mix.
Add the beaten eggs,little salt and cooked until done.
Remove from heat. Serve hot on a plate and sprinkle chopped spring onions on top.
Best paired with hot choco and steamed rice.


egg adobo

5 boiled eggs, shelled nicely
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 onion,chopped
1 small piece ginger, peeled and sliced
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. white vinegar from cane
1 cup banana catsup
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. oil for frying
2 fresh red chili peppers
pepper to taste

how to:

Heat oil in pan, add garlic and onion and ginger.
Then add the soy sauce, vinegar, catsup and the sugar. Let boil for a few minutes while stirring from time to time over low fire. Season with pepper to taste.
Add the boiled eggs. Stir slowly coating the eggs with the mixture. Add the fresh chilies.
Remove from heat. Serve hot with rice.


Egg omelette w/ vegetable filling


2 eggs, beaten
1 large red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium carrot, cut into strips
1 cup cabbage, chopped
dash, ground black pepper
2 tbsp. cooking oil
little salt
2 tbsp. sweet chili sauce

how to:

Pre-heat oil in a pan. Mixed chopped red bell pepper with beaten eggs. Add a dash of ground black pepper and little salt. Divide into two parts and cooked omelette style. Strain oil.
In a plate, assemble carrot strips and chopped cabbage at center of omelette(you can use other veggies) then cover veggies.This recipe makes for two. Add drippings of sweet chili sauce into each.
Perfect for breakfast with hot milk or choco.



  1. oohh yummy. Such lovely recipes.

    yes I love to grab a couple of eggs and boil them for a quick protein lunch, especially before doing a work-out.

  2. Que buen post, me ha encantado tu blog...
    Besos desde Barcelona...!!!
