
Saturday, September 7, 2013


......the easiest, refreshing icy cool treat made mainly with fruit bits or an assortments of cooked gelatin and crushed ice hence the name 'halo-halo' (local dialect) . An all- time Filipino favorite quencher, halo-halo is something to look forward to not only during the summer months but every time when you feel the heat pulling you down to your core...! You can buy or prepare ingredients earlier and store in your fridge for a quick preparation.


1 bowl finely crushed ice
100 ml evaporated milk ( or more)
1 tablespoon sugar (optional)
nata de coco(available in can)
kaong (available in can)
buko strips (optional)
cooked gelatin(your choice)
sliced bananas
cooked beans (optional)
a scoop of ice cream
corn flakes (or your cereal of choice)
barquillos (optional)

Assemble nicely on bowl or a tall glass and serve immediately.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Vegetable salads..

Appetizing Vegetable Salads!!

Salads can be varied and sure is the healthiest diet anyone can have. Aside from being visually appealing it is very delicious and undeniably healthy, easily digested and not heavy on the stomach. It is rich in vitamin C( fights infection, aids in maintaining healthy gums and skin), Vit. A( for good eyesight), Calcium( for healthy, strong bones), beta-carotene( fights certain diseases including cancer) and fiber which aids in digestion. Those are just a few healthy benefits you can get from eating salads especially made with fresh green, succulent, leafy vegetables. And why not?There are countless vegetables and fruits to choose from to make salads you can enjoy everyday of the year. And there's one simple truth why we need to eat it, it reduces mortality! So live longer, enjoy life, eat more salads!!


    Here in the Philippines where farming is the main source of livelihood, people enjoy fresh vegetable produce the whole year round and though salads are not mainly part of the filipino diet we see to it that veggies dominates the big portion of our three square meals a day.
     The following vegetable salad recipes are the most popular salads filipinos consume when these veggies are on peak season.
The recipes are very simple.You can add some more veggies to suit your taste.


White Radish Salad

labanos ensalada

1 kilo white radish
4 pcs. large tomatoes
1 pc. large red onion
1 tbsp. rock salt
1 stalk spring onion, chopped
5 pcs. calamansi, sliced in half

how to:

Wash radish and peel then sliced thinly. Sprinkle rock salt, mix and squeeze some water out of the radish(this is optional as you can eat it as it is if you can handle it's strong taste). Set aside radish and discard extracted water. Slice tomatoes and the onion. Mixed with radish. Garnish spring onion on top and squeeze calamansi juice over salad. Serve chilled.

Note: roasted anchovies can be added if available. ............................................................................................................

Bitter Gourd Salad

kilawin margoso
3 pcs. bitter gourd  
4 large tomatoes
1 big red onion
1 /2 cup carrot sticks,optional
1 tbsp. rock salt
4 pcs.calamansi or 1 lemon

how to:

Wash bitter gourd, sliced in half and spoon out the seeds then sliced thinly. Add the rock salt, mix and squeeze slightly to extract bitter juice(this is optional as you can eat the gourd as it is, esp. diabetics). Then add the tomatoes and sliced onion to the gourd and the carrots. Squeeze calamansi or lemon on top. Serve chilled.


Cucumber Salad

pipino ensalada

3 pcs. cucumber
carrot, grated
1 tsp. iodized salt
1 tsp. black pepper
2 pcs.calamansi or 1 pc. lemon

how to;

Wash the cucumbers and cut into desired slices. Arrange in a plate and sprinkle salt and black pepper. Add grated carrot and squeeze calamansi or lemon juice on top. Serve.


water spinach salad(a.k.a>poor man's salad)

kangkong ensalada

1 bunch water spinach
1 tbsp. butter
2 tbsp. shrimp paste
1 onion, chopped
1 tsp.fried garlic

how to:

Wash water spinach thoroughly. Discard the hard stalks. Do not cut. In a small pot boiling salted water, dip spinach for 5 minutes(check on tenderness). Remove from hot water then assemble in a plate. Set aside. In a pan, melt butter then add garlic and onion, fry for a minute then add shrimp paste. Remove from heat and pour over water spinach. Serve immediately.


Seaweed Salad

 1/2 kilo seaweed(green edible variety)
4 tomatoes, sliced
1 large red onion, sliced
4 calamansi or 1 lemon
 grated unripe mango(optional)
how to:

Wash seaweed thoroughly. This type is brittle you have to snap into bite-sized pieces. Discard older stems. Put in a strainer and pour over hot boiling water while constantly turning seaweeds. Transfer in a bowl, add tomatoes and onion, then squeeze calamansi or lemon juice(vinegar can also be used). Mix and serve.

Fresh Green Mustard  Salad

mustasa ensalada

1 bunch mustard leaves
4 large tomatoes, sliced
1 large onion, sliced
1 tsp. iodized salt
2 calamansi or 1 lemon
boiled egg(optional)

how to:

Wash mustard greens thoroughly. Put in a bowl, add iodized salt then squeeze lightly and mix. Add tomatoes and onion then squeeze calamansi or lemon juice.Add slices of egg on top. Serve.


Eggplant salad

4 pcs. large purple eggplant
4 large tomatoes, sliced
2 large red onions, sliced
1 stalk spring onion, chopped 
1 lemon
1 tsp. iodized salt
1 egg, boiled and sliced

how to:

Grill eggplants until tender. Peel and mash slightly with fork. Set aside. In a bowl mix tomatoes, onions and sprinkle with salt. Pour over mashed eggplants then squeeze lemon on top. Garnish with spring onion and slices of egg.


Friday, August 2, 2013

Noodle Assortment..Recipes for long life!

the humble noodle!

     Long, yellow, chewy, and stringy, delicate, stuffed or hollow, the humble noodle which is mainly made of egg and flour is a primary food source of billions of people around the world. It is one of the best foods ever created. Thanks to our resourceful Chinese counterparts. Noodles of today, like pasta, comes in different color, texture and flavor. Aside from its comforting taste adaptable to any weather it is also one of the most versatile and quickest to make. The steaming hot pot of noodles or the yummy aroma of herbs in stir fried noodle dishes is something to look forward to after a long day's work.
     The following are home-grown noodle recipes which we tried and tasted in our own kitchen for years. In fact, we are selling it! You can either add or reduce ingredients depending on the availability of seasonal vegetables in your area. Enjoy cooking and eating!



2 bowls fresh egg noodles
100g chicken fillet
4 squid balls, cut into 4 (optional)
1 tsp. seasoning
2 tsp.oyster sauce
1 cup chicken stock
1 cup cabbage strips
1 cup carrot strips
1 bell pepper
1/2 cup chickpeas(optional)
1 tbsp oil of your choice

how to:

Pre- heat oil in a pan. Add chicken and fry for 3 minutes. Add squid balls, seasoning and chicken stock. Let boil then add the noodles. (Note: Before adding fresh noodles, be sure to wash it and strain. It tends to be salty sometimes when not washed). Mixed continuously to incorporate flavor and before it dried out add the vegetables. Remove from heat. Serve hot topped with spring onions and sliced calamansi.
Makes for 4-5 persons.




200g dried noodles
100g chicken meat, cut into strips
4 squid balls,cut into 4
1 tsp seasoning
1 tsp oyster sauce
1 cup chicken stock
1 cup mixed vegetables(cabbage, carrot, bell pepper,dried mushroom)
1 tsp. cassava starch, dissolve in 1 tbsp. water
1 tsp.oil
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped

how to:

Heat oil over medium fire and deep fry dried noodles until brown. Remove from oil immediately and put into strainer. Let cool and put in a platter. Set aside.
Pre-heat pan and add 1 tsp.oil, add garlic and onion then the chicken and squid balls. Fry 3 minutes, then add seasoning and oyster sauce and 1 cup chicken stock. Stir and let boil before adding mixed vegetables. Mix well with other ingredients in the pan and add cassava starch. Stir until become slightly sticky. Remove from heat and pour over fried noodles then topped with spring onions.
Good for 4-5 persons.




200g thin rice (transparent) noodles
100g chicken strips
4 squid balls,cut into 4
1/2 chicken cube
1 tsp.seasoning
11/2 tsp soy sauce
2 cups chicken stock
dash of sugar
150g mixed vegetables(cabbage, carrots, bell pepper)
1 tbsp.oil

how to:

Pre- heat oil in a pan and chicken strips. Fry for 3 minutes then add squid ball strips and chicken cube. Stir before adding seasoning, soy sauce and 2 cups chicken stock. Let boil and add rice noodles. Stir and mix continuously until noodles is soft. Add a dash of sugar then the mixed vegetables before mixture completely dried out. Remove from heat and serve hot topped with spring onions with slices of
calamansi on the sides.
Serves 4-5 persons.




200g canton(yellow dried egg noodle)
1/2 klo clams
1/2 kilo shrimps, shelled
1/2 kilo scallops
1/2 kilo freshly cut squid
1 sauce
1 shrimp broth cube
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 medium onion, chopped
2 tbsp. sesame oil
2 cups boiling water
1 cup young corn,pre-boiled
1pc. small carrot, cut into strips
1 bell pepper, cut into strips
1 pc.leeks, chopped
herbs of your choice for garnish
2 boiled eggs

how to:

Wash  clams thoroughly, do not remove shell, set aside. Do the same with scallops,shrimps and squid.
Pre- heat oil in pan, add garlic and onion. Stir until onion is transparent. Add scallops, soy sauce and shrimp cube. Adjust fire to low. Stir for a minute before adding shrimp, clams and squid. Stir ingredients well then add 2 cups boiling water and dried noodles. Continue stirring until noodles are soft. Add carrots, young corn, leeks and pepper
while mixture is very moist. Stir for another minute, then remove from heat. Garnish with herbs of  your choice and sliced boiled egg on top.
Best filling for loaves paired with a cup of black steaming hot coffee or chocolate!




1 bowl fresh egg noodles
100g chicken leftovers
1/2 chicken cube
boiled quail eggs, optional
1 tbsp. seasoning
6 cups chicken stock
150g mixed vegetables, cut into strips(carrot, broccoli)
2 spoonful cassava starch dissolved in 1/2 cup water
2 fresh eggs, beaten
1 tsp. oil

 how to:

Pre-heat oil in a pan. Then add chicken leftovers, chicken cube, seasoning and stir before adding chicken stock. Boil for 5 minutes then add fresh noodles. Boil for a minute more and add the vegetables. Stir, then add cassava starch and quail eggs. Mix well until sticky in consistency. Turn off heat before adding fresh beaten eggs. Mix thoroughly. Serve hot with herbs of your choice(here we only use spring onions with fried chopped garlic). Superb with garlic bread or garlic sticks.




200g thin rice (transparent) noodles
100g chicken leftovers
1/2 chicken cube
1 tsp. seasoning
1 tsp. soy sauce
6 cups chicken stock
2 fresh chili peppers
150g mixed sliced vegetables(carrots, cabbages or broccoli)
1 tsp.oil

how to:

Pre- heat oil in a pan. Add chicken leftovers, chicken cube, soy sauce and the seasoning. Stir then mix and add the chicken stock. Boil for 5 minutes and add dried noodles then cooked until soft and nicely done. Add vegetables, mix thoroughly. Add chili peppers before removing from heat.
Serve and consume while still hot. Topped with herbs of your choice.

Note: This type of noodles absorb water faster so prepare to add water if needed.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

AVOCADOS...refreshing desserts

Avocados....hmmm...yummy avocados...In Season Today!

Two months ago, my little boy ask me to check our avocado tree in the backyard. It's not ours was sort of a heirloom from my husbands great grandfather. I remember the last time i visited our backyard for some  gardening and weeding, the avocado trees( we have three actually) are in blooms, all three of them. It was an awesome sight. All my kids beamed at the thought that we are going to have a bountiful avocado harvest this season. And it truly is..! There's is only one little problem, some branches snapped of too much weight of this yummy bunch of fruit before harvest time starts. Though it eventually ripened it's not as yummier as the fully matured ones.

Here are some refreshing avocado coolers and smoothies my kids always enjoy.
I say you should also try it!

1 kilo ripe avocados
1 can condensed milk
1 bucket finely crushed ice
whipped cream
1/2 cup candy sprinkles
Peel avocados, discard seed and slice in halves. Put into blender and blend for 3 minutes.
Add the condensed milk and the finely crushed ice. Blend for another 5 minutes.
Pour in glasses of your choice. Add whipped cream on top and sprinkle with candy sprinkles.
Best party treat when the fruit is on season.


1 kilo avocados
1 can condensed milk
2 cups pre-boiled tiny tapioca pearls
1 bucket finely crushed ice
1 tbsp. crushed shelled peanuts
Peel avocados, discard seed and slice into halves. Put in a blender and blend for 3 minutes.
Add the condensed milk and finely crushed ice. Blend for 5 minutes more.Pour in tapioca pearls and mix thoroughly.
Pour in glasses of your choice and topped with crushed shelled peanuts.
Serve immediately.
Yummier with garlic toasts.


1 kilo large ripe avocados
370 ml evaporated milk or more
1 cup refined sugar
1/2 cup young coconut meat, cut in strips
1 pitcher drinking water
ice candy wrappers(plastic)
Peel avocados,discard seed. Mashed fruit in a large deep stainless bowl with back of the fork.
Add sugar and milk. Mix thoroughly.  
Add water and the coconut meat. Mix with a ladle. Test taste for sweetness. Add milk or sugar depending on your taste.
Pour the mixture in ice candy wrappers. Leave space for tying. Tie the end tightly for faster freezing.
Best midday snack or after lunch.


1 kilo avocado
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1 packet easy melt chocolate
1/2 cup crushed shelled peanuts
Peel avocados and discard seed. Blend in a blender for 4 minutes or more depending on smoothness.
Add the evaporated milk. Melt chocolates in a pan and set aside.
Pour smoothie in a glass of your choice just about enough so you can add chocolate syrup.
Sprinkle crushed peanuts on top. You can use any nut of your choice.
Best paired with garlic sticks.


1 kilo avocados
1/2 kilo ripe sweet mangoes
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
all purpose cream

Peel avocados and discard seed. Blend in a blender until smooth enough. Peel mangoes and scrape the juicy meat from pulp with spoon in a bowl. Add confectioner's sugar and chilled all purpose cream. Mix and set aside. Measure 2 spoonfuls of avocado in a clear glass, flatten a bit and 
then add mixed mangoes about a spoonful, then again the avocados. Do it alternately until glass is full enough. You definitely know what to do next.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sweet Moments

Native Sweet Delicacies....a flashback!

Three decades of decadent moments have quickly passed but the sweetness of this home made desserts still lingers in my palate. It wasn't too much compared to all the twists and endless innovations on the sweet food today, but it was far too different because it was prepared with no measuring paraphernalias but only love and dedication. The sweet recipes below echoes the very core of my earliest remembrance of childhood.Our eager, sparkling eyes and pure smile as we sit around our grandparents old narra table waiting for the steaming hot sweet concoctions served in front of us. And then at first bite, our mind bursts of the flavors, of the colors that comes with the sweetness that invaded our tongue and the satisfaction that we felt as we close our eyes feeling the food go down. No one could take that moment away from me. It was too vivid to forget especially with grandmother preparing all this for us in her humble little kitchen.


candied tomatoes w/ vanilla

1 kilo large ripe tomatoes,blanched,peeled and seeded
1 cup white sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp. vanilla essence

how to:

Heat pan over medium fire,add the sugar, lower the heat and let it melt for a few minutes.
 Add the tomatoes. Stir and mix thoroughly making sure the tomatoes are completely glazed with sugar.
Add little salt. Continue stirring until mixture is almost dry.
Add the vanilla essence. Remove from heat. Cool before storing on bottles.
Best filling on toasted loaves like whole wheat breads or just plain bread with ginger ale.


sweet potato delight

1/2 kilo sweet potato(yellow variety)
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup white sugar

how to:

Boil sweet potatoes 2 cups water. Cool and peel thoroughly, then mashed with the back of fork.
In a big stainless bowl, melt the butter with sugar.Mix.
Add the mashed sweet potato, then mix thoroughly. Form spoonful into a ball and cover with candy the same with the remaining mixture. Chill.

unripe banana pudding w/ coconut cream

1 kilo unripe bananas, boiled, peeled and cut into small bits
1/2 kilo white or brown sugar
2 cups coconut cream 
1 tsp vanilla essence
half tsp salt

how to:

Melt sugar on a pre- heated pan.
Add the bananas. Stir for a few minutes or until bananas are nicely coated with sugar.
Pour over coconut cream. Stir and mix thoroughly for few more minutes.
Add the vanilla essence.
Add salt. Remove from heat.
Perfect after lunch dessert.
Serve hot or cold.


young coconut in sticky rice pudding

1/2 kilo young coconut meat,sliced into strips
2 cups sticky rice(ground)
11/2 cup red sugar(muscovado)
1 cup water
1 tbsp.vanilla essence
1/2 tsp.salt

how to:

Measure 1 cup sticky rice. Pour a little amount of water enough to hold the rice and form tiny balls bigger than your thumb. Set aside.
In a pan melt the red sugar for a few minutes a cup of water to make the process faster. Let boil for 3 minutes.
Add the rice balls.
Now let us work the remaining sticky rice. Pour over water into the rice and mix into smooth watery consistency. Add this to the boiling concoction while stirring constantly. By this time the food might get too sticky to stir.
Remove from heat and add the essence of vanilla.
Serve hot or cold.
Best afternoon snack or serve cold in the morning after breakfast.


banana pancakes

10 pcs. ripe bananas, peeled and cut flatly in three
2 cups rice flour or all purpose flour
1 cup white sugar
4 cups water
1 tsp. banana essence(optional)
1 cup butter,melted

how to:

Pour 4 cups water over 2 cups rice flour. Mix thoroughly.
Add the white sugar. Mix. Add more water if smooth consistency is not yet achieved.
 Add the essence of banana. Stir.
In a heated pan, melt a little butter then tip the pan slightly so it will spread evenly.
Pour 1/4 cup flour mixture in the bubbly butter, quickly add 2 banana slices on top then cover a little more mixture. Cook the other side when the sides are dry and holes appear.
Repeat with the remaining mixture. Just add butter in the pan when not enough.
Serve hot with confectioners sugar or honey.
Best afternoon  snack.


sweet squash filling

1 kilo squash, peeled, cut into bits
1/2 kilo brown sugar
1 cup coconut cream
1 tsp vanilla essence
little salt

how to:

Mix squash and sugar in a pan. Cook over medium heat until sugar boils. Mash squash in sugar.
Continue stirring.
Add the coconut cream. Stir for more minutes. Do not leave the pan for even a while or the hot mixture will shoot hot bubble on you, unless you turn the fire off. Stir until mixture reach a smooth consistency.
Add the vanilla essence and little salt. Remove from heat.
Serve warm or cold.
Best filling on crackers.


guava jelly

1 kilo ripe guavas
1 kilo white sugar
5 cups water

how to:

Boil guavas in a casserole over high heat for 10 minutes until guavas are tender.
Remove from heat and strain. Set aside 1 cup boiled guava water.Discard the remaining.
Put guavas in a clean cloth, twists cloth and squeeze the juices from the guava securing the drippings in a bowl. Repeat until there are no more juice left.
In a pan,melt the white sugar over low medium heat, add the guava juice.Mix stirring constantly.
Add the guava water and continue stirring until smooth and the pectin seemed clear.
Remove from heat. Cool before storing in sterilize bottles.

Note: You can use the guava pulp(minus the seeds) for a healthier variation.


coconut balls

3 cups finely shredded mature coconut meat
1 kilo red(muscovado) sugar
1 cup white sugar or icing sugar

how to:

Melt red sugar in a deep wok over medium heat. Add 1/2 cup water to make the process faster.
Muscovado is quite lumpy so you have to boil more to melt these.
Add the shredded coconut. Lower the heat and mix thoroughly for a few minutes before adding more heat.
Continue stirring until coconut is nicely coated or the mixture is almost dry.
Remove from heat.
While still warm, mold these into tiny balls. Roll in a platter with white sugar or dustings of icing sugar.
Let cool and store in a sterilize dry container.


Simply, eggs...


Egg diary;
     Today is just as great as yesterday, kids and adults loved me so much they cooked me anyway they wanted without limit. When on hectic days and they rush me out of the fridge and no time to beat me, they cooked me simply as me, whole, untouched, perfectly boiled. They love even the smell of me that i made their mouths water and crave for more. Yes, I know i'm just a simple egg but everyone who loved me( except of course the one's allergic to me) always made sure that they have unlimited supply of me in their kitchen. Cakes are not cakes without me. I'm also very useful i help people with their budget. You see i'm the cheapest they could get but very nutritious and delicious. Everything in me was so good, my whites is rich in protein and my yummy yolk is so jam- packed with vitamins and essential fatty acids. So, better believe the saying ' an egg a day keep the docs away'.

     I'm really something you could whip up in a whim with no leftovers(except the shells on your plate). You can either bake me or cook me simply as you like. Happy eating! 


egg omelette w/ horseradish leaves

horseradish leaves-vitamin rich Filipino veggie

2 eggs, beaten 
1 cup fresh horseradish(moringa leaves)
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon oil for frying

how to:

Mix the green vegetables to the beaten eggs and beat slowly but thoroughly with a fork then season with salt and pepper according to your taste.
Heat oil in a pan. Add the garlic and the onions.
When the onions are slightly transparent, pour the mixture evenly in the pan. Do not mix.
Let the egg settle nicely before turning to brown the other side. Remove from heat and serve hot.

In the absence of horseradish you can use spinach or other green leafy vegetables available in your area.


eggs with cabbages

2 eggs, beaten 
1 cup chopped cabbage
1 red bell pepper, seeded and cut into cubes
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying

how to:

Heat oil in a pan.
Add garlic and onions, mix until onion is transparent
Add the chopped cabbage and the red bell pepper.
Mix thoroughly until vegetables are nicely done.
Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste.
Add the beaten eggs. Mix quickly with vegetables on medium heat until done.
Remove from fire. Serve hot with toasts and hot milk.


egg omelette w/sun-dried anchovies

2 eggs, beaten
1 cup dried anchovies
3 med. tomatoes, chopped 
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 medium onion, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying

how to:

Heat oil in a pan. Add the garlic first, then the onions and lastly tomatoes. Mashed tomatoes in hot oil.
Add the dried anchovies, mix thoroughly on medium heat until done.
Add the beaten eggs, mix until egg's nicely done. Remove from heat.
Best paired with fried rice and a cup of coffee.


tasty egg salad w/ tomatoes

2 boiled eggs, shelled and cut depending on your choice
4 large red tomatoes
1 big onion, sliced
2 tbsp.lemon or calamansi juice 
salt to taste
dash of ground black pepper

how to:

Just mix all the ingredients together and.. voila you have a tasty egg salad. Perfect for breakfast with  fried rice and a banana.


eggs with sardines

2 eggs, beaten 
2 cloves garlic,chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 can fish sardines
2 stalks spring onion, chopped
salt to taste
1 tbsp oil for frying

how to:

Heat oil in a pan before adding garlic and onion.
Pour sardines in a bowl and mashed with fork. Pour over garlic and onion. Mix.
Add the beaten eggs,little salt and cooked until done.
Remove from heat. Serve hot on a plate and sprinkle chopped spring onions on top.
Best paired with hot choco and steamed rice.


egg adobo

5 boiled eggs, shelled nicely
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 onion,chopped
1 small piece ginger, peeled and sliced
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. white vinegar from cane
1 cup banana catsup
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. oil for frying
2 fresh red chili peppers
pepper to taste

how to:

Heat oil in pan, add garlic and onion and ginger.
Then add the soy sauce, vinegar, catsup and the sugar. Let boil for a few minutes while stirring from time to time over low fire. Season with pepper to taste.
Add the boiled eggs. Stir slowly coating the eggs with the mixture. Add the fresh chilies.
Remove from heat. Serve hot with rice.


Egg omelette w/ vegetable filling


2 eggs, beaten
1 large red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium carrot, cut into strips
1 cup cabbage, chopped
dash, ground black pepper
2 tbsp. cooking oil
little salt
2 tbsp. sweet chili sauce

how to:

Pre-heat oil in a pan. Mixed chopped red bell pepper with beaten eggs. Add a dash of ground black pepper and little salt. Divide into two parts and cooked omelette style. Strain oil.
In a plate, assemble carrot strips and chopped cabbage at center of omelette(you can use other veggies) then cover veggies.This recipe makes for two. Add drippings of sweet chili sauce into each.
Perfect for breakfast with hot milk or choco.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

my favorite chicken dishes

This lately, my family and a lot of my workers enjoyed chicken to the max. It's been a year ago since I raised those native chickens and they have grown big enough to be cooked and eaten. There is no specific celebration only that during this rainy season chickens got easily sick mostly in every part of the country esp. when you are not using veterinary products. So before they got really sick I have them butchered and dressed, kept in the freezer ready to be cooked. Imagine how thrilled everyone are when I told them that we are not going to sell those native chickens but we ate them instead. In the days that follows, I cooked them any chicken dish I can think of. Here are those recipes.

curried chicken with mushroom

1 kilo chicken breast
1 pack curry powder
1 can coconut cream(if fresh is not available)
1 large ginger,crushed
1 cup dried mushroom
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 large onion,chopped
3 med. potatoes, peeled and sliced
1 carrot, sliced
1 half cup bread crumbs
salt to taste
oil for frying

how to:

In a pan heat oil and stir fry potatoes and carrots for 5 minutes. Strain oil and set aside.
Mix chicken, ginger, garlic, onion and a tbsp of  salt in a clean pan. Let boil until all juices subsided.
If using canned coconut cream, use a cup of water to boil the chicken a few minutes more before adding canned good.
Add the dried mushroom and the curry powder. Stir thoroughly.
Add the stir fried potatoes and carrots and the bread crumbs. Stir.
Add salt depending on taste.
Serve hot.


native chicken adobo in natural vinegar

1 native chicken, dressed and cut accordingly
1 cup coconut vinegar
1 large ginger, crushed
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic,chopped
2 tbsp. soy sauce
1 cup atsuete extraction
4 dried laurel leaf
1 tsp chili powder
2 fresh chili peppers(optional)
salt to taste

how to:

In a large wok, mix all the ingredients except chili peppers. Let the chicken boil nicely for 30 minutes or until done and there is little juice left. Taste it and add more salt depending on your liking.
 Add chili peppers on top and serve hot.


chicken in tomatoes and young papaya

1 whole native chicken, dressed and cut accordingly
1 pc. unripe papaya fruit, peeled and sliced
5 large tomatoes, chopped
1 large onion, sliced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 large ginger, crushed
a bunch of fresh chili leaves
2 fresh chili peppers
salt to taste
1 liter water

how to:

In a large wok, put tomatoes, onions, garlic, chicken and ginger. Do not pour water yet the chicken have its own juices. Add salt.
Let the chicken boil until dry and the tomatoes are thoroughly cooked. Stir in its own oil for a few minutes before adding water. Continue cooking until the chicken are tender.
Add the unripe papaya and the chili peppers. Boil more until papaya is tender then add the chili leaves. Add more salt depending on taste. Do not overcooked the leaves.
Serve hot.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

cuisines you've never tasted

     When i got married 15 years ago and decided to live away from home to be with my husband, i adjusted to almost everything at the new place including food and water. Even though the distance between our hometowns is only a few hours ride in the bus, everything was totally different.
     On the first day, my in- laws welcomed me with a chicken dish they called 'linabugan' and steamed egg with dried anchovies in salted tomatoes and onions.The truth dawned on me that anyplace in this world have a secret to tell waiting to be discovered, waiting to be sampled. I'm only thankful that i have no problem with a certain food. In fact, i eat almost anything as long as they can be eaten and will not poison me. That was sort of another turning point for me, for my gastronomically inclined palate. The new meal was superb and really mouth watering. In the week that follows was a feast to cherish and remember. Here are some of those outrageous but glorious food recipes.


linutik   mashed leaves of a thorny sour plant called 'labog'
                   (an appetizer)

raw main ingredient-rich in vitamin C

 1 kilo labog leaves
5 cloves garlic, chopped
1 small ginger, crushed
1 big onion, chopped
2 tbsp. shrimp paste
1 cup shrimp stock
 1/4 kilo dried anchovies
1 bowl fresh bitter gourd leaves(optional)
salt to taste

how to:

In a pan,mix all ingredients except dried anchovies and the bitter gourd leaves. Do not add shrimp stock yet, the leaves will naturally produce water when near boiling point. While boiling you have to continually stir or mash all ingredients in the pan. Add salt gradually.Lower heat then add anchovies and the bitter leaves before mixture dried out. Do not overcooked the last ingredients or the dish will be too bitter to eat.

Serve hot with rice and fried fish.


Pickled Bamboo Shoots

atsara nga tambo
1 bowl pre- boiled young bamboo strips
4 chili peppers, seeded and sliced 
4 purple eggplants, sliced 
1 big ginger, sliced into strips
1 big onion, sliced into strips
1 head garlic, sliced into strips
1 cup string beans

1 can crushed pineapple
1/2 cup natural vinegar
1/3 cup white sugar
1 tbsp.salt

how to:

Mix sugar,pineapple and salt in a small pan. Bring to a boil.
Add ginger, onion, garlic, string beans, eggplants and bitter gourd. Mix thoroughly then add the vinegar. When vegetables are nicely done, add young bamboo strips and the chili peppers.Mix veggies and turn off heat. Let cool before sealing into sterilized bottles.
This appetizer will last for weeks without refrigeration.

Note: Do not forget to boil shoots for 20 mins. when not using canned product because it will leave a really bitter aftertaste.


Pickled Papaya w/ vegetables
atsara nga kapayas

6 cups grated young papaya
1 cup string beans
1 small bitter gourd, sliced thinly
2 chili, sliced into strips
2 small eggplants, sliced into strips
1 large red onion, sliced
4 cloves garlic, sliced
1 small ginger, sliced into strips
1 cup natural vinegar
2 tbsp. rock salt
6 tbsp. white refined sugar

how to:

Sprinkle 2 tbsp. rock salt to grated papaya. Mix well and squeeze with bare hands extracting all juices as possible. Discard juice. Put in a bowl. Set aside. In a pan pour vinegar, sugar, beans, eggplants, chili, onions and garlic. Let boil in medium fire for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Pour directly into papaya. Mix all ingredients well. Let cool and store in a sterilized bottle. Will last for a month when refrigerated. Pickled papaya is a great appetizer common to gatherings among Filipinos.


cassava shoots in cococream

cassava shoots- excellent source of protein
1 bowl finely chopped cassava shoots
1 bunch dasheen shoots
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 small ginger, chopped
1 tbsp. shrimp paste
4 cups coconut milk
salt to taste

how to:

Wash and sprinkle cassava shoots w/ some salt and mix with hands. Do not squeeze.In a pan, mix cassava shoots with dasheen shoots, garlic, onion, ginger, shrimp paste and the coconut milk.
Cover pan and let boil for ten minutes until dish becomes slightly oily. Add salt depending to taste.Serve hot on top of fried rice.


wild mushroom omelette

1 kilo wild mushrooms, washed thoroughly
2 eggs, beaten
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
3 large tomatoes,chopped
1 chili pepper, chopped
salt to taste
oil for frying

how to:
locally known as karupdop

Pre- heat oil in pan. Fry garlic until brown then add onions and tomatoes. Mashed tomatoes with ladle. Add mushrooms and stir occasionally. Turn heat on high until mixture is almost dry.

Add salt to eggs, beat and pour over stir-fried mushroom. Let the egg settle before turning heat off. Sprinkle chili on top and serve hot.


langkawas (red ginger) w/ tomatoes

1 kilo langkawas, peeled and chopped finely
1/2 kilo tomatoes, blanched and seeded
1 tbsp. shrimp paste
1 stalk spring onion, chopped
1 medium onion, blanched

how to:

Just mix all the ingredients together, mashed and voila!

Try this great appetizer. Best bottled and refrigerated.

Note: Red ginger have a great medicinal value.It eases sore throat when eaten raw.


rolled singkamas(sweet Phil. turnip)w/ peanut butter

2 packet fresh lumpia wrapper
1 kilo singkamas, peeled and sliced into sticks
1 bottle peanut butter
15 pcs, cabbage leaf
1 shrimp broth cube
how to:

  Dip cabbage leaves in boiling water w/ shrimp broth cube for 1 minute. Discard water. Put one cabbage leaf in a wrapper, arrange sticks of singkamas and a teaspoon of peanut butter. Roll wrapper and seal with water. Repeat procedure until done. Chill before serving.

Note: Carrot sticks can be added if it is readily available in your area.


palawan stalks (a type of dasheen)w/ egg

5 pcs. big stalks
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp.salt 
1 tsp. black pepper
spring onion, chopped
1 cube chicken broth
oil for frying
1 tbsp. flour( optional)

how to:

Blanch dasheen stalks in 4 cups boiling water with chicken broth cube. Dip without stirring for 5 minutes or until stalks are soft to touch. (Note: do not stir vegetable when undercooked or it tends to get itchy). Mash and set aside. Sprinkle beaten eggs with salt and pepper and add spring onions. Heat oil in pan. Mix  vegetable into beaten eggs. Scoop mixture into spoonfuls and flatten in hot oil until brown.Flip to brown the other side.Serve hot with sweet-chili sauce.


kangkong adobo(water spinach w/vinegar)

adobo nga tangkong
1 bunch fresh water spinach
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tbsp.shrimp paste(bagoong alamang)
2 tbsp. soy sauce
2 tbsp. white vinegar
1 tsp. iodized salt (optional)
2 fresh chili pepper (long variety)
2 tbsp.oil for frying

how to:

Wash and cut water spinach 2 inches long. Discard only the hard stalks but not the leaves. Set aside. Pre-heat oil in pan. Brown garlic in oil before adding onions,shrimp paste and chili pepper. Stir for 5 minutes over low heat. Add water spinach and the soy sauce. Cooked until tender before adding vinegar. Cooked another 3 minutes more. Remove from heat. Serve hot topped with fried garlic (if available).


freshwater snails in cococream

guinat-an nga igi

1 kilo freshwater snails
1 pc.large ginger, crushed
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tbsp. shrimp paste
1 tsp. iodized salt
1 cup cococream
1 stalk lemon grass
2 fresh chili, long variety

how to:

Cut the bottom edge of snails and wash very well with water, then strain. In a deep pan, put together altogether snails, ginger, onion, garlic, shrimp paste, iodized salt and the lemon grass. Do not cover pan and cooked over medium heat for 5 minutes while stirring occasionally. When after 5 mins.and the snails produce it's natural juices and still boiling, add the coco cream and the chili. Stir for another 5 mins. until it curdles. Immediately remove from heat. Serve hot topped with chopped spring onions.


squid adobo
adobo nga lokos

1 kilo squid, any variety
5 tbsp.white vinegar
2 tbsp. fish sauce
1 tbsp.iodized salt
1 tsp. white refined sugar
1 large ginger, crushed
1 large onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, crushed
2 fresh chili peppers
1 tbsp.peppercorn or dried laurel leaf

how to:

Wash squids thoroughly. Be sure to pullout the teeth and the white shell in the back. Pull the head first taking extra care not to cut the ink sac( do not discard this) because it will be messy.Cut the squid into three parts and wash again. In a pan, put altogether the squid (ink included) vinegar,fish sauce, salt, ginger, onion, garlic, sugar, pepper corn or dried laurel leaf. Mix well and cooked over medium heat for 20 minutes. Add fresh chili. Remove from heat. Serve hot.
